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Throughout history people have sought to cope with a life that is often stressful and hard. We have actually known for some time that developing compassion for oneself and others can help us face up to and win through the hardship and find a sense of inner peace. However in modern societies we rarely focus on this key process that underpins successful coping and happiness and can be quick to dismiss the impact of modern living on our minds and well-being. Instead we concentrate on 'doing, achieving' and having'. Now, bestselling author and leading authority on depression, Professor Paul Gilbert explains how new research shows how we can all learn to develop compassion for ourselves and others and derive the benefits of this age-old wisdom. In this ground-breaking new book he explores how our minds have developed to be highly sensitive and quick to react to perceived threats and how this fast-acting threat-response system can be a source of anxiety, depression and aggression. He describes how studies have also shown that developing kindness and compassion for self and others can hep in calming down the threat system: as a mother's care and love can soothe a baby's distress, so we can learn how to soothe ourselves. Not only does compassion help to soothe distressing emotions, it actually increases feelings of contentment and well-being. Here, Professor Gilbert outlines the latest findings about the value of compassion and how it works, and takes readers through basic mind training exercises to enhance the capacity for, and use of, compassion. ISBN 9781849010986 Author Paul Gilbert
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The Compassionate Mind. Paul Gilbert

На складі
Артикул: 1019004
Увійдіть, щоб
додати товар до свого списку бажань
Планована дата відправки
Section Psychology
Видавництво Robinson
Автор Paul Gilbert
Ціна 19.48
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9781849010986
Палітурка Paperback
Рік видання 2013
К-ть сторінок 592
Розмір, мм 130x200

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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