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Are you a feline fanatic? Could you tell the difference between a Housecat and an Ojos Azules? Do you want to know how to keep your kitty happy and healthy?The Cat Encyclopedia is a cat compendium with all the facts about cats and kittens. It's packed with beautifully photographed profiles of different breeds, from the Maine Coon to the Khao Manee, and includes information on caring for your own cat. This book explores the cat's place in cultures and includes famous cats in art and literature. In this encyclopedia, you will find: -A breed catalogue outlining all the cat breeds such as Shorthairs, Exotic Shorthair, Khao Manee, Korat, Chinese Li Hua, Asian (Burmilla, Smoke, Self, Tortie, Tabby) and more. -How to care for your cat, including how to Prepare for arrival, essential equipment, vet check-ups, food and feeding, Grooming and hygiene and training your cat. -Facts, images, labelled diagrams and more about cats! This book also offers information on the science and history of house cats. Find out how cats were domesticated and developed into separate breeds, and see their prominence in art, literature, and superstition. A chapter on feline biology focuses on the anatomy of cats - including the nervous system, digestion, and muscles - and also features detailed descriptions of cat senses and coat patterns. With help on cat care - from preparing for your cat's arrival and essential equipment to healthcare and training - The Cat Encyclopedia is the perfect guide for cat lovers. ISBN 9780241638576
Увійти за допомогою
Оцініть товар

The Cat Encyclopedia : The Definitive Visual Guide

На складі
Артикул: 1021133
Увійдіть, щоб
додати товар до свого списку бажань
Планована дата відправки
Section Encyclopaedias & Reference Works
Видавництво DK
Ціна 38.96
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9780241638576
Палітурка Hardback
Рік видання 2024
К-ть сторінок 320
Розмір, мм 290 x 243

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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