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'I wish I had this guide when I was in my 20s and 30s but even now, it offers me a nuanced perspective on how I am built, how I operate in the world' Avni Doshi, author of Burnt Sugar Why do I feel lost? What's wrong with me? Is this all there is? Satya Doyle Byock hears these questions regularly in her psychotherapy practice, where she works with Quarterlifers - people between the ages of twenty to forty - who are searching for meaning and direction in their lives. She understands their frustration. Some clients have done everything 'right': graduate, get a job, meet a partner - yet they are unfulfilled. Others are still struggling to find their way in the world, and are unclear on what to do next. Quarterlife offers a compassionate roadmap for finding understanding, happiness, and wholeness in early adulthood. While society is quick to label the struggles of young people as generational traits, Byock sees things differently. She believes these emotions are part of the developmental journey of Quarterlife, a distinct stage that every person goes through, and which has been virtually ignored by psychology and popular culture. Through the stories of four of her clients, Byock shows us how this search can start with the right questions. Blending personal storytelling with mythology, Jungian psychology with pop culture and literature, Quarterlife pioneers a new way of thinking about adult life, to help us navigate our futures and ourselves. ISBN 9781802064704 Author Byock Satya Doyle
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Quarterlife. Byock Satya Doyle

На складі
Артикул: 1020524
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Планована дата відправки
Section Psychology
Видавництво Penguin Books
Автор Satya Doyle Byock
Ціна 14.29
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9781802064704
Палітурка Paperback
Рік видання 2024
К-ть сторінок 228
Розмір, мм 126 x 198

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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