Cookies policy

Cookies are text files and they are created automatically by web browsers when visiting or using websites. They are sent by the website and saved on the user's device. With their help, the administrator receives information that allows, among others, to enable the proper operation of the website, ensure security and improve its operation.

Data Administrator
The administrator of personal data is  Dmytro Bykhovtsev Ukrainian Bookstore with its registered office in Poznan, Poland (address of the registered office: Mikolaja Kopernika St., 8, lower ground floor, 61-880 Poznan, Poland), Tax number (NIP): 7822923007, National Business Registry Number (REGON): 525253973, represented by Dmytro Bykhovtsev (e-mail,  tel.: +48 531 261 808).

Types of cookies
- As part of our websites, we use the following types of cookies:
- Necessary/Technical: These files are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. These files are installed in particular for the purpose of remembering login sessions or filling out forms, as well as to remember whether you have been informed about the use of cookies.
- Functional: They remember and adapt the platform to your choices, e.g. they allow you to automatically complete the e-mail address from which you last logged in to the platform.
- Analytical: They allow you to check the number of visits and traffic sources. With their help, we are able to determine which pages are popular and which are not. We use them to study statistics and improve the performance of our websites. As part of our websites, we use, among others, solutions from Google, Mailerchimp and Hotjar.
- Marketing: They allow you to match the displayed advertising content to the user's interests, not only within our portal, but also outside it. They can be installed by advertising partners. Based on the information from these cookies and activity on other websites, a profile of the user's interests is built.
- Social media cookies: These cookies are installed by our partners to tailor the advertising content you see on social media. On their basis, a profile of the user's interests is built. Thanks to this, the displayed content is tailored to the individual needs of the user.

Cookie storage time
- Session cookies - are stored on the device used until you leave the website, e.g. by disabling the web browser.
- Permanent - they exist until they are manually deleted or the time specified in the browser expires.

Type of data collected
We include:
-IP address of the device used by the user
-device type
-time spent on the site
-actions taken on the site
-the location from which the connection is made

How to withdraw your consent
Some cookies are downloaded by your web browser when you access a website. In order to block the possibility of downloading cookies, the method existing for a given web browser should be used:
-Microsoft Edge
The inability to save/read cookies may result in incomplete and incorrect operation of the website, however, the use of the website will still be possible.

In case of questions regarding the processing of personal data or the will to exercise your rights, you can contact us at the addresses indicated in the "Data Administrator" section
In the event of a violation of the provisions on the protection of personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection at