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A concise history of Paris and the great events and personalities, from prehistory to the present, that have shaped its unique cultural legacy. Once described as ‘that metropolis of dress and debauchery’ by the Scottish poet David Mallet, then as now Paris had a reputation for a peculiar joie de vivre, from style to sex, cookery to couture, captivating minds and imaginations across the Continent and beyond. In Paris: A Short History, Jeremy Black explores the unique cultural circumstances that made Paris the vibrant capital it is today. Black explores how Paris has been shaped through the centuries from the first century BCE, when the city was founded by the Parisii. From a small Gallic capital conquered by the Romans, Paris transformed into a flourishing medieval city full of spectacular palaces and cathedrals, including Sainte-Chapelle and Notre-Dame de Paris. During the illustrious reigns of Louis XIV and XV Paris became one of the most beautiful and cosmopolitan capitals in the world, before the Revolution tore French society apart, changing the city forever. The Belle Époque brought new ideas and architecture to the city, including the iconic Eiffel Tower, before the destruction of the First and Second World Wars launched a massive regeneration project. Black completes his history by exploring present-day Paris and its role as the seat of a leading power on the world stage. Black deftly demonstrates that the history of Paris is about more than a city: it is the history of a culture, a society and a state that has impacted the rest of the world through centuries of changing fortunes. ISBN 9780500027080 Author Jeremy Black
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Paris: A Short History. Jeremy Black

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Артикул: 1021465
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Section History
Видавництво Thames and Hudson
Автор Jeremy Black
Ціна 22.60
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9780500027080
Палітурка Hardback
Рік видання 2024
К-ть сторінок 256 pages, 16 Illustrations, black and white; 22 Illustrations, color
Розмір, мм 128 x 197

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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