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Knit a Box of Socks : 24 Sock Knitting Patterns for Your Dream Box of Socks Every knitter dreams of having a perfectly curated box of socks that holds all of their gorgeous handmade creations. Julie Ann Lebouthillier has created 24 incredible sock knitting patterns that are perfect for you to knit for yourself, friends and family to create the perfect box of socks. This collection of fun sock designs is based on the idea of a hand knitted 'box of socks'. This is the ultimate guide for knitters who want to create their own box of socks, packed with 24 original patterns for a wide range of different sock designs. The patterns vary in difficulty from very beginner to more complex so there is lots of choice and plenty to appeal to experienced knitters as well as newbie sock knitters. There are patterns for socks using gradient yarn as well patterns for stranded colorwork designs, textured knits and even cabled designs so you can build your skills and expand your sock knitting know-how while you work your way through the designs, building your very own box of socks as you go. Learn how to measure your foot properly in order to be able to knit a sock that fits perfectly. There are instructions about how to calculate what size to cast on and how much negative ease you need to get beautiful, handmade that socks that are also a joy to wear. Author and sock fanatic, Julie Lebouthillier, also includes advice and a handy guide for sizing down to children's sizes so you can make matching sets for all the family. There are instructions for different sock knitting techniques including casting on and binding off methods, as well as increasing and decreasing, and there is a basic sock pattern for you to try the key techniques if you've never knitted a sock before. The designs themselves are fun and original with a real range of different designs for every mood and occasion. There is a beautiful snowflake design for keeping feet cosy in the winter as well as a neon pink design based on cake sprinkles which is fun for the summer. With these 24 patterns you will find the perfect sock design for every day no matter what your mood and it is the perfect opportunity to use up those gorgeous skeins of sock yarn that you couldn’t resist buying. ISBN 9781446312803 Author Julie Ann Lebouthillier
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Knit a Box of Socks. Julie Ann Lebouthillier

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Артикул: 1021214
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Section Hobby and Gaming Books
Видавництво DAVID & CHARLES
Автор Julie Ann Lebouthillier
Ціна 27.53
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9781446312803
Палітурка Paperback
Рік видання 2024
К-ть сторінок 128
Розмір, мм 273 x 211

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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