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A sequel to Atlas of Extinct Animals and Atlas of Endangered Animals, this large-format encyclopedia focuses on the world’s largest group of animals—insects. Insects are the most diverse and abundant creatures on Earth, yet we often overlook their critical role in our ecosystem. Insectopia, the third book in the Large Encyclopedias series, invites young readers to explore the fascinating world of insects with expert entomologist Jirí Kolibac and the stunning illustrations of Pavel Dvorsky and his wife Pavla Dvorsky. With 96 pages of engaging content and lifelike full-page illustrations, Insectopia provides an immersive journey into the realm of these tiny creatures, whose behavior, shapes, and colors surprise us with their complexity. Kids will learn about the full range of topics related to insects, including complex rituals of courtship, tender care for offspring, organization of insect states, wars over food sources, and various insect features (scents, colorful wings, sharp mandibles, etc.). Sections include:Anatomy and Body Structure of Insects: How insects have a segmented body with a hard exoskeleton. Orders of Insects: The best-known groups of winged insects and their common and scienti?c names. Biology and Development of Insects: How insects undergo various metamorphoses. Evolution of Insects: The evolutionary relationships of insects. Evolutionary Tree of Insects: A tree graph showing the evolutionary relationships among different insect groups. Dawn of the Insects: The evolution and diversification of insects during various periods, including the emergence of flight and the extinction of certain insect orders. Diversification of Insects: The development of insect life through different geological periods, including their coevolution with plants and their rise to dominance. ISBN 9788000069685 Author Jiri Kolibac
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Insectopia : The Wonderful World of Insects. Jiri Kolibac

На складі
Артикул: 1021152
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Section Encyclopaedias & Reference Works
Видавництво Albatros nakladatelstvi as
Автор Jiri Kolibac
Ціна 32.99
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9788000069685
Палітурка Hardback
Рік видання 2024
К-ть сторінок 96

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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