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A picture atlas that takes young readers on a visual journey around the world, from Spain and Portugal to China and Mongolia. Continents and countries are brought to life through stunning photography and eye-catching illustrations. Uncover incredible geographical features, wildlife, culture, history, and landmarks in unprecedented detail. This incredible and inspiring visual atlas takes you on a fact-filled, continent-by-continent tour of the world! Throughout the pages of this adventure book, you'll discover more than 50 fascinating maps that are packed with fun facts and fresh images. Your child will learn all about the climate, populations, places, and industries of our world. Picture stories complement the maps, from the giant river that flows through the Amazon forest, to the frozen icebergs of the glacial Arctic. Discover the richness and diversity of human and animal life around the globe. Each map shows the countries, their capitals, famous landmarks, as well as their longest rivers and highest mountains. This educational book is more than a map book! This atlas book also shows young explorers how to read a map and use a key, compass, and scale. It's the ideal resource for classroom use, home learning, and armchair exploration. The Ultimate Round-The-World Trip Children's Illustrated Atlas is the perfect reference book for kids to learn about lands close to home or oceans far away! It's also a fantastic gift for children with an interest in the world around them and a taste for adventure. Without even leaving your home, this children's atlas book allows you to: - Explore more than 50 stunning world maps and incredible geographical features. - Learn how to read a map and use a key, compass, and scale. - Travel the world's cities and landmarks through beautiful photography and illustrations. - Dive into intriguing facts about the world's population. Charming and informative, the Children's Illustrated Atlas series from DK Books is a delightful addition to every child's library. Bring the amazing world of wildlife right into your home with the Children's Illustrated Animal Atlas, and reach into the past with the Children's Illustrated History Atlas. ISBN: 9780241598283
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Children's Illustrated Atlas

На складі
Артикул: 1012083
Увійдіть, щоб
додати товар до свого списку бажань
Планована дата відправки
Section Encyclopaedias & Reference Works
Видавництво DK
Ціна 17.14
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9780241598283
Палітурка Hardcover
Рік видання 2023
К-ть сторінок 128
Розмір, мм 260x300

Доставляємо за допомогою компаній DHL і Poczta Polska




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Повернутий товар, будь ласка, відправте назад за адресою: Wolkowyska 4A/1, 61-132 Poznan, Poland, Отримувач - Dmytro Bykhovtsev , тел. +48531261808
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