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There is in Athens a rather plain ruin; a simple courtyard lined with fragments of wall. Yet, this little patch of land has a claim to be the most significant place in human history. It is the Lyceum, site of Aristotle's school: here the philosopher wandered, discussing his life's work with students, proposing answers to the mysteries of the human condition. Today, it can be difficult to fully comprehend the staggering influence of these lessons. Aristotle's observations about the world around him and his reflections on the nature of knowledge laid the foundations for all empirical science. His study of rational thought formed the basis of formal logic, the cornerstone of philosophical investigation. His examination of Greek city-states gave us political science, while his analysis of drama remains a mainstay of literature courses around the world. In lucid prose, acclaimed philosopher John Sellars takes us on a journey through Aristotle's thought, vividly bringing to life the key ideas, and demonstrating that the famous philosopher's capacity for curiosity continues to offer us all a vision of more fulfilled lives. Aristotle has lessons still to teach. ISBN 9780241615645 Author John Sellars
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Aristotle : Understanding the World's Greatest Philosopher. John Sellars

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Артикул: 1020992
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Планована дата відправки
Section Philosophy & Religious Books
Видавництво Penguin Books
Автор John Sellars
Ціна 8.31
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9780241615645
Палітурка Paperback
Рік видання 2024
К-ть сторінок 144
Розмір, мм 181 x 110

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