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‘Groundbreaking research . . . Women Who Think Too Much tells why overthinking occurs, why it hurts people, and how to stop’ USA Today It’s no surprise that our fast-paced, overly self-analytical culture is pushing many people – especially women – to spend countless hours thinking about negative ideas, feelings, and experiences. Renowned psychologist Dr Susan Nolen-Hoeksema calls this overthinking, and her groundbreaking research shows that an increasing number of women – more than half of those in her extensive study – are doing it too much and too often, leading to sadness, anxiety, and depression. In Women Who Think Too Much, Nolen-Hoeksema shows us what causes so many women to be overthinkers and provides concrete strategies that can be used to escape these negative thoughts, move to higher ground, and live more productively. Women Who Think Too Much will change lives, and is destined to become a self-help classic. ISBN 9780749924812 Author Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
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Women Who Think Too Much. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema

Аrticle number: 1017052
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Category Psychology
Publishing house Piatkus
Author Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Price 12.73
Language English
ISBN 9780749924812
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2022
Q-ty of pages 276
Dimensions, mm 126x196

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