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Understand key stages in your child's development and discover effective parenting strategies from experts in education and neuroscience. What Every Parent Needs to Know delves into the latest research on child brain development and applies it to real-life scenarios that all parents face. This isn't one person's opinion or experience of parenting. Director of Education at the Centre for Child Mental Health, Margot Sunderland, together with research from Professor Jaak Panksepp, who has studied the emotional brain for over 30 years, presents evidence-based strategies for parents looking for trusted information and guidance on how best to raise their family. Alongside detailed information on how the child's brain works, anatomical illustrations present the science while case studies and Q and As apply the science to everyday situations. Parenting strategies span from sleep training your newborn right through to soothing your 12-year-old, addressing separation, anxiety, social development and more. This book not only focuses on your child's needs but also on yours as a parent with advice on looking after yourself too. New material on child mental health completes this new edition making it the ultimate parenting tome. ISBN 9780241621486 Author Margot Sunderland
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What Every Parent Needs to Know: A Psychologist's Guide to Raising Happy, Nurtured Children

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Аrticle number: 1021435
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Category Psychology
Publishing house DK
Author Margot Sunderland
Price 27.01
Language English
ISBN 9780241621486
Binding Hardback
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 320
Dimensions, mm 178 x 223

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