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Discover the fascinating history of our planet with this unique collection of visual timelines. Full of exciting visual timelines covering minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, Timelines of Nature reveals our planet's natural history and its life cycles in an entirely new way. Beginning at our world's existence; children aged 9+ will learn how many years it took the Moon to form and witness Earth's continents collide. Discover the history of Earth's most spectacular features - from the Grand Canyon to the Sahara desert. See how life evolved, from the first single-celled organisms to the extraordinary variety of creatures living today. Then we look at life on Earth today. Every species on Earth has its own unique story - Timelines of Nature reveals these weird and wonderful life cycles through fascinating visual timelines. It tells you what's really happening on Earth each minute of every day. This beautiful nature book for children features: - Beautiful timelines teach young readers all about geology, plants, and animals. - Each timeline is unique and depicts a different topic, such as the story of how whales evolved, how the Moon was formed, or how a tiger spends its day. - Feature pages highlight climactic moments in nature, for example, the butterfly finally emerging from its chrysalis. - Supporting educational boxes on each page explain key points about nature, helping kids to discover more about the world around them. Children can marvel at a variety of different timeframes in nature, like geological timelines spanning thousands of years; a year in the life of a habitat, a day in the life of an animal, and complete plant life cycles. Ever wondered what the mayfly does with its short life? In this book, you'll find out how it lives as a nymph for two weeks, before flying out of the water for just a day in the sky as a mayfly. If you've ever thought about how a chimpanzee spends its day, how the rainforest changes over 24 hours, or how long a kangaroo's pregnancy lasts, then this is the book for you!Explore the series!If you like Timelines of Nature, why not check out other our exciting titles in the Timelines series? Explore the unique collection of visual timelines which bring big topics to life. Discover leaders, legends and legacies in Timelines of Black History, uncover the past from woolly mammoths to World Wars in Timelines of Everything and explore key milestones and breakthroughs with Timelines of Science. ISBN 9780241601624
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Timelines of Nature : Discover the Secret Stories of Our Ever-Changing Natural World

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Аrticle number: 1021078
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Category Children's Books
Publishing house DK
Price 36.62
Language English
ISBN 9780241601624
Binding Hardback
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 288
Dimensions, mm 222 x 288

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