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"Highly comforting" Alain de Botton, Founder of The School of Life"This book changed how I think" Annie Macmanus, author of The Mess We're In"You will not be able to put this book down" The IndependentOUR OBSESSION WITH ACHIEVEMENT IS A TRAP. THIS IS HOW TO BREAK FREE. Emma Gannon was thriving in her portfolio career, enjoying a happy personal life and to anyone looking in, she was undoubtedly a success... She was also burned out and confused at why she felt unhappy, yet was still striving for more. After taking a deep look at her own journey, and interviewing many other successful people on her podcast Ctrl, Alt, Delete, she realised that our overly celebrated and traditional version of success is making us lonely, unfulfilled and dispirited. Now she has worked out a way to do things differently, and here Emma shares her hard-won lessons, including:• how to set goals that are ambitious but not overwhelming• why the 'tick-box' moments in life often feel anticlimactic• and how to break free from comparison and the endless pursuit of moreA manifesto to craft work (and life) on your own terms, The Success Myth will give you the belief and tools to walk away from 'having it all', uncovering your individual path to fulfilment. ISBN 9781804990766 Author Emma Gannon
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The Success Myth. Emma Gannon

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Аrticle number: 1021173
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Category Psychology
Publishing house Penguin Books
Author Emma Gannon
Price 15.32
Language English
ISBN 9781804990766
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2024
Q-ty of pages 336
Dimensions, mm 130 x 200

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