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A remarkable and important book . . . a highly accessible, timely and invaluable guide to anybody working in groups.' Prof Paul Gilbert OBE How many people does the ideal team contain? How do groups bond, earn trust and forge shared identities? How can leaders build environments adaptable enough to respond to shocks and still enable people to thrive together? How can you feel close to people if your only point of contact is a phone or a computer? In The Social Brain leading experts from the worlds of evolutionary psychology and business management come together to offer a primer on great team working. They explain what size groups work and how to shape them according to the nature of the task at hand. They offer practical hints on how to diffuse tensions and encourage cooperation. And they demonstrate the vital importance of balancing unity and the need for different views and outlooks. By explaining precisely how the 'social brain' works, they show how human groups function and how to create great, high-performing teams. 'This wonderful book reminds us that businesses are also biological and social . . . It could not be more timely, wise and useful.' Margaret Heffernan, author of Wilful Blindness. ISBN 9781847943620 Author Tracey Camilleri, Samantha Rockey, Robin Dunbar
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The Social Brain. The Psychology of Successful Groups

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Аrticle number: 1020528
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Category Psychology
Publishing house Penguin Books
Author Tracey Camilleri, Samantha Rockey, Robin Dunbar
Price 14.29
Language English
ISBN 9781847943620
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2024
Q-ty of pages 260
Dimensions, mm 129 х 198

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