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Three of our most accomplished and deep thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society - and what it means for us all. An AI learned to win chess by making moves human grand masters had never conceived. Another AI discovered a new antibiotic by analysing molecular properties human scientists did not understand. Now, AI-powered jets are defeating experienced human pilots in simulated dogfights. AI is coming online in searching, streaming, medicine, education, and many other fields and, in so doing, transforming how humans are experiencing reality. In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers have come together to consider how AI will change our relationships with knowledge, politics, and the societies in which we live. The Age of AI is an essential roadmap to our present and our future, an era unlike any that has come before. ISBN: 9781529375992 Author Henry Kissinger
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The Age of AI. Henry Kissinger

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Аrticle number: 1014865
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Category Non-Fiction
Publishing house John Murray
Author Henry Kissinger
Price 14.29
Language English
ISBN 9781529375992
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 266
Dimensions, mm 130x200

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