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Books; reading, collecting and the physical housing of them has brought the book-lover joy - and stress - for centuries. Fascinated writers have tried to capture the particular relationships we form with our library, and the desperate troubles we will undergo to preserve it. With Alex Johnson as your guide, immerse yourself in this eclectic anthology and hear from an iconic Prime Minister musing over the best way to store your books and an illustrious US President explaining the best works to read outdoors. Enjoy serious speculations on the psychological implications of reading from a 19th century philosopher, and less serious ones concerning the predicament of dispensing with unwanted volumes or the danger of letting children (the `enemies of books') near your collection. The many facets of book-mania are pondered and celebrated with both sincerity and irreverence in this lively selection of essays, poems, lectures and commentaries ranging from the 16th to the 20th century. ISBN 9780712352864 Author Alex Johnson
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Shelf Life : Writers on Books and Reading. Alex Johnson

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Аrticle number: 1018952
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Category Non-Fiction
Publishing house British Library
Author Alex Johnson
Price 23.64
Language English
ISBN 9780712352864
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2018
Q-ty of pages 164
Dimensions, mm 130x200

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