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PRO 37 правил і принципів бізнесу. Петро Синєгуб

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Аrticle number: 1020406
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Publishing house Наш Формат
Author Петро Синєгуб
Language Ukrainian
Category Business and marketing
ISBN 9786178277581
Binding Тверда
The year of publishing 2024
Dimensions, mm 140 х 210
Q-ty of pages 192

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 You are entitled to a refund of the purchased product within 14 days from the date of purchase of the returned product. Delivery funds are paid for by the customer who returns the product.

How do I do this?
 Please pack the returned item carefully. Returned items must not be damaged. If you are returning a DVD, CD, MC, or CD-ROM, keep in mind that the plastic packaging may also not bear any traces of use.
Send the parcel with the returned product to the address listed below. We do not accept parcels sent by cash on delivery.
We will send money for the returned product to your account within 14 days from the date of delivery of this product to our address.

Where should I send my refund?
Returned items, please send back to: Wolkowyska 4A/1, 61-132 Poznan, Poland,  recipient - Bykhovtsev Dmytro, tel +48531261808
We ask that the returned item be properly protected so that it is not damaged during transportation.
