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The food of Poland has long been overlooked, but the time is right for a reinvention. In Polska, young food writer Zuza Zak presents her contemporary take on Polish cuisine, with recipes for snacks and party foods, soups, preserves, breads, fish, meat and poultry, salads and veg, and cakes and desserts. She places Polish food within the context of the country's history and geography, and tracks how it has developed and adapted to Poland's ever-changing political and economic situation. With recipes including Tuna cured in bisongrass vodka, Courgette islands with dill flowers, and Mini doughnuts with rose filling, and lavish photography from the acclaimed Laura Edwards, Polska is a breath of fresh air. ISBN 9781849497268 Author Zuza Zak
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Polska New Polish Cooking. Zuza Zak

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Аrticle number: 1017622
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Category Food & Drink
Publishing house Quadrille Publishing
Author Zuza Zak
Price 46.75
Language English
ISBN 9781849497268
Binding Hardcover
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 256
Dimensions, mm 187x248

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