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The story of Jerusalem is the story of the world. This fully revised and updated edition includes a new epilogue bringing the story of Jerusalem up to the present day including updates on the Israeli American relationship and the huge recent shifts in the Middle East. Jerusalem is the universal city, the capital of two peoples, the shrine of three faiths; it is the site of Judgement Day and the battlefield of today's clash of civilisations. How did this small, remote town become the Holy City, the 'centre of the world' and now the key to peace in the Middle East? Drawing on new archives and a lifetime's study, Simon Sebag Montefiore reveals this ever-changing city through the wars, love affairs and revelations of the men and women - kings, empresses, prophets, poets, saints, conquerors and whores - who created, destroyed, chronicled and believed in Jerusalem. From King David to the twenty-first century, from the birth of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to the Israel-Palestine conflict, this is the epic history of 3,000 years of faith, slaughter, fanaticism and coexistence. This is how Jerusalem became Jerusalem, and the only city that exists twice: in heaven and on earth. ISBN: 9781474614399 Author Simon Sebag Montefiore
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Jerusalem: The Biography. Simon Sebag Montefiore

Аrticle number: 1012858
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Category History
Publishing house Weidenfeld Nicolson
Author Simon Sebag Montefiore
Price 20.00
Language English
ISBN 9781474614399
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 784
Dimensions, mm 130x200

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