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Dietary science is on the move. For decades, people were wrongly focused on reducing fat and calories, whereas we now know that the real trouble-makers are the foods that deregulate our blood sugar levels. In writing both clear and empathetic, biochemist Jessie Inchauspe explains why blood sugar spikes are so bad for us and how to flatten those spikes to transform our health. By analysing decades of research and running thousands of original experiments on herself wearing a continuous glucose monitor, she has distilled 10 simple and surprising hacks that can be easily incorporated into everyday life. By the end of this book, you'll be aware of how food impacts your biology. You'll know which breakfast choices may be causing your cravings, in which order you should eat the food on your plate, what not to do on an empty stomach, which foods lead to mood swings, and how to avoid being sleepy at 3pm. You'll evolve the way you eat, take control of your health, and your life will flourish. ISBN: 9781780725239 Author Jessie Inchauspe
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Glucose Revolution The life-changing power of balancing your blood sugar. Jessie Inchauspe

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Аrticle number: 1013332
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Category Food & Drink
Publishing house Short Books
Author Jessie Inchauspe
Price 24.94
Language English
ISBN 9781780725239
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 320
Dimensions, mm 130x200

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