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Discover the fascinating stories behind some 300 species of fungi and understand the world of mushrooms like never before!Did you know that fungi put the fizz in champagne and the flavour in chocolate? Fungi is everywhere we look: in a forest, under the sea, and in the kitchen. In this beautiful book, leading fungal biologists Professor Lynne Boddy and Dr Ali Ashby bring you closer to 300 species of mushrooms and lichens through fascinating facts, mushroom datasets, and detailed illustrations. Discover some of the fastest speeds in nature, specimens that glow in the dark, and fungi that clean up oil spills. Humans have had a close relationship with mushrooms for thousands of years. Bringing together technology, medicine, food, culture, and nature, this fascinating book will open your eyes to the wonders of the hidden kingdom all around us. ISBN 9780241612965 Author Lynne Boddy, Ali Ashby
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Fungi : Discover the Science and Secrets Behind the World of Mushrooms

Аrticle number: 1021095
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Category Encyclopaedias & Reference Works
Publishing house DK
Author Lynne Boddy, Ali Ashby
Price 42.60
Language English
ISBN 9780241612965
Binding Hardback
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 304
Dimensions, mm 202 x 241

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