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On the 10th of October 2022, Russia carried out the first massive shelling of Ukraine’s power infrastructure. Since then, the word blackout’ entered the vocabulary of the whole country. Having lived for months under the Russian missile attacks, we developed new habits, adapted to the new circumstances, learned to apply some new devices. We are forced to manage our daily routine basing on the power cut schedules and the planning horizon has shrunk drastically. Blackout is not only about the light at home. It is about operation of pump stations, pedestrian safety, greenhouse plants freezing, the total absence of any communications in entire settlements. It is also about Ukrainians who have been learning to resist and overcome the new challenges. Код: 9786178107765 , 978-617-8107-76-5 Автор Студія «Сері/граф»
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BLACKOUT. Chronicles of Our Life During Russia’s War Against Ukraine

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Аrticle number: 1007963
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Publishing house Yakaboo Publishing
Author Студія «Сері/граф»
Language English
Category Comics
ISBN 978-617-8107-76-5
Binding Тверда
The year of publishing 2023
Dimensions, mm 200x200
Q-ty of pages 64

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