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Happily, we do not have to remain trapped by the past. His Holiness reveals how life-enhancing Buddhist practices, as relevant today as they have ever been, can help us break free from the cycles of suffering that ensnare us. He encourages us to broaden our outlook and to adjust our personal values. And he gives us the tools to deal with any negative emotions we may experience in the process. Practical, step-by-step exercises, steeped in wisdom, show how to make the most of each moment; how to undo the negative effects of past deeds; and how you can enjoy spiritual growth and find deep inner happiness. ISBN: 9781846041235 Author Lama Dalai
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Becoming Enlightened. Lama Dalai

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Аrticle number: 1012337
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Category Philosophy & Religious Books
Publishing house Rider
Author Lama Dalai
Price 11.95
Language English
ISBN 9781846041235
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2022
Q-ty of pages 256
Dimensions, mm 130x200

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