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Social psychologist Dacher Keltner has spent his career speaking to different groups of people, from schoolchildren to prisoners to healthcare workers, about the good life. These conversations and his pioneering research into the science of emotion have convinced him that happiness comes down to one thing: finding awe. Awe allows us to collaborate with others, open our minds to wonder, and see the deep patterns of life. In his new book, Keltner presents a radical investigation into this elusive emotion. Drawing on his own scientific research into how awe transforms our brains and bodies, alongside an examination of awe across history, culture and within his own life during a period of immense grief, Keltner shows us how cultivating wonder leads us to appreciate what is most humane in our human nature. The book includes intensely moving, deeply personal stories of awe from people all over the world - doctors and veterans, environmentalists and filmmakers, indigenous scholars and hospice workers, ministers and midwives, poets and prisoners. At turns radical and profound, Awe is our field guide for how to uncover everyday wonder as a vital force within our lives. ISBN 9781802061161 Author Dacher Keltner
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Awe: The Transformative Power of Everyday Wonder. Dacher Keltner

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Аrticle number: 1020525
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Category Psychology
Publishing house Penguin Books
Author Dacher Keltner
Price 14.29
Language English
ISBN 9781802061161
Binding Paperback
The year of publishing 2024
Q-ty of pages 336
Dimensions, mm 129 x 19 x 198

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