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A delightfully captivating journey across the medieval world, seen through the eyes of those who travelled across it From the bustling bazaars of Tabriz, to the mysterious island of Caldihe, where sheep were said to grow on trees, Anthony Bale brings history alive in A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages, inviting the reader to travel across a medieval world punctuated with miraculous wonders and long-lost landmarks. Journeying alongside scholars, spies and saints, from western Europe to the Far East, the Antipodes, and the ends of the world, this is no ordinary travel guide, containing everything from profane pilgrim badges, Venetian laxatives and flying coffins to encounters with bandits and trysts with princesses. Using previously untranslated contemporary accounts from as far and wide as Turkey, Iceland, Armenia, north Africa, and Russia, A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages is a living atlas that blurs the distinction between real and imagined places, offering the reader a vivid and unforgettable insight into how medieval people understood their world. ISBN 9780241530849 Author Anthony Bale
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A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages. Anthony Bale

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Аrticle number: 1019025
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Category History
Publishing house Penguin Books
Author Anthony Bale
Price 24.94
Language English
ISBN 9780241530849
Binding Hardcover
The year of publishing 2023
Q-ty of pages 430
Dimensions, mm 160x240

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